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People who suffer from retinitis pigmentosa (RP) have retinas that deteriorate over time, leading to progressive loss of sight. But last week, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel unanimously voted to allow the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System – a device that may partially restore vision – to go forward for approval, saying the potential approval of the device “outweighs the risks to

Eyes May Possess Infection-Killing Power

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4277 days ago (Editorial)
Eye proteins that can kill harmful bacteria may prove useful in developing new powerful and inexpensive antimicrobial drugs, according to a new study. The finding was made by University of California, Berkekey, researchers investigating why eyes are so resistant to infections. They noticed that there is no bacteria living on the surface of the eye, unlike other surfaces of the body. They also dis
The Pennsylvania departments of Health and State today warned that it is against the law to sell decorative or cosmetic contact lenses without a prescription and that using unfitted lenses can pose a serious health risk. Such lenses are popular during the Halloween season. Federal and state law requires prescriptions for contact lenses. "Decorative or cosmetic lenses are considered medical device
The primary role of the retina is to capture light and create sight, but adverse changes to the retina may also signal important alterations to the kidneys. Using photographs of the retina collected from 1820 patients with renal disease, Juan E. Grunwald, MD, from the Department of Ophthalmology at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine in Philadelphia, and colleagues found a significa
Plaque radiotherapy is an effective therapy for managing iris melanoma in certain patients and secondary glaucoma has no effect on outcomes, researchers have found. In a September 13 online paper in Ophthalmology, Dr. Carol L. Shields of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia,and colleagues note that among treatment options are local resection and enucleation in advanced cases.Plaque radiother

Nutrients That Protect Your Eyes

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4282 days ago (Editorial)
Four of the biggest causes of vision trouble – cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy – are linked to good nutrition. Do you know if your diet and supplements are meeting all of your visual needs? Most people know that Vitamin A is important for good vision after hearing all those carrot jokes growing up. But three other equally important nutrients ar
Routine cataract surgery leads to an immediate and persistent reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP) for patients with ocular hypertension, according to what may be the most pertinent study thus far to address the issue. Steven L. Mansberger, MD, from the Devers Eye Institute/Discoveries in Sight, Legacy Health System, Portland, Oregon, and colleagues found that IOP for patients with known ocula

Leptin Implicated in Hearing and Vision Loss

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4282 days ago (Editorial)
Leptin - commonly dubbed the "fat hormone" - does more than tell the brain when to eat. A new study by researchers at The University of Akron and Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) shows that leptin may play a role in hearing and vision loss. This discovery, made in zebrafish treated to produce low leptin, could ultimately help doctors better understand sensory loss in humans. While the s
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