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A few examples would include:

- Excessive squinting of the eyes.

- Excessive rubbing of the eyes.

- Holding things closer than normal.

- Closes or covers an eye.

- Poor reading comprehension.

- Skips lines while reading.

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Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes

Posted by Sam (#3) 4733 days ago (Editorial)
- Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

- Know your family's eye health history.

- Eat right to protect your sight.

- Practice workplace eye safety.

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Curious Eye Details

Posted by Sam (#3) 4737 days ago (Editorial)
Did you know that?

- Babies don't produce tears in their eyes until they are one to three months old.

- The largest eyeball on the planet is 18 inches wide, about the size of a large watermelon and it belongs to The Giant Squid.

- Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

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Food for Healthy Eyes

Posted by Sam (#3) 4737 days ago (Editorial)
Healthy foods to your diet will help keep your eyes sparkling and strong.

1. Dark green vegetables, such as kale, spinach, collard greens and dark green lettuce (think Romaine), should definitely be on the menu to prevent eye diseases such as macular degeneration.

2. Bright orange fruits and vegetables get their color from beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, that helps promote healthy

Preventing Cataracts

Posted by Sam (#3) 4737 days ago (Editorial)
Protect the eyes from the potential side effects of certain medications. Prolonged use of steroids, tranquilizers, and psoriasis medication may cause cataracts when taken in large doses over a long period of time.

To see more details, visit DoctorNDTV

Contact Lens Provide Clear Vision to play sports

Posted by Sam (#3) 4737 days ago (Editorial)
If you have an eye problem that has been getting in your way and you want to play sports, then you should keep in mind that contact lenses will provide you with clear vision.

- With contact lenses you will be having that freedom you could never have because of those glasses

- With contact lenses you can now play sports such as football, basketball, baseball, soccer, or hockey.

To see mo

Tips on choosing sunglasses

Posted by Sam (#3) 4737 days ago (Editorial)
Points to consider while choosing sunglasses:

- Always look for sunglasses that block 99 or 100 percent of UV radiation thereby protecting your eyes.

- Also see to it that the lenses are dark enough to filter out 75 to 90 percent of powerful sunrays that makes you squint.

- The lenses should not cause eyestrain, headache, and give ugly wrinkles.

- Use colors for your lenses that will

Eating Right Will Preserve Your Eyes

Posted by Sam (#3) 4740 days ago (Editorial)
Bilberries and grapes are foods which help the eye perform better during night vision. Carrots and bell peppers (green, red, orange or yellow), are rich sources of some of the best nutrients available. They are excellent sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, two very powerful antioxidants which have been shown to specifically protect the eyes.

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