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A recent study from an SHSU researcher found that checking your child's vision beyond the school vision screening is necessary. "Typical public school visual screenings test only a few of the necessary learning related visual skills," said Maria Cristina Cruz-Wiley, a researcher at Sam Houston State University's Center for Research in Educational Leadership.

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Curious Eye Details

Posted by Sam (#3) 4744 days ago (Editorial)
Did you know that?

- The average person blinks 12 times per minute - about 10,000 blinks in an average day.

- The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.

- Your eye will focus on about 50 things per second

- Your Eyes contribute towards 85% of your total knowledge.

- The older we are the less tears we produce.

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Good news for glaucoma patients

Posted by Sam (#3) 4744 days ago (Editorial)
Glaucoma patients can heave a sigh of relief with the introduction of a new advanced technology that reduces pain and recovery time and can increase the success rates of surgery. According to Dr. Venkataraman, chief medical officer of Vasan Eye Care Hospital this new procedure will bring down the chances of infection that occurs in an open eye surgery.

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Interesting Eyesight Exercise

Posted by Sam (#3) 4751 days ago (Editorial)
An important vision exercise is focusing because this can help in reducing the stress on the eyes and improving the ocular capabilities.

Curious Eye Details

Posted by Sam (#3) 4751 days ago (Editorial)
Did you know that?
- Our eyes have more than 2 million working parts
- We all have infinitesimal creatures hiding in our eyelashes
- The muscle that move the eye are the strongest comparative to their size in the body

Flaxseed oil for dry eyes

Posted by Sam (#3) 4751 days ago (Editorial)
Flaxseed oil has many health benefits. The fatty acids of flaxseed play a beneficial role in the treatment of dry eye conditions. In Fact, according to latest research these fatty acids may prevent cataracts and macular eye diseases.
Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a real problem for many people who spend hours in front of a computer screen, and its symptoms are usually temporary during times of visually intense computer tasks such as eye strain, headaches, back/neck aches, blurred vision, double vision, dry eyes, irritated eyes, and fatigue
Did you know that?

- Our eyes are the most complex organs we possess except for our brain.
- Our eyes can process 36,000 bits of information every hour.
- Color blindness is ten times more common in males than females
- Men are able to read fine print better than women can.
- The reason why our nose gets runny when we are crying is because the tears from the eyes drain int
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