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Phacoemulsification Complications Declining

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4351 days ago (Editorial)
After adoption of phacoemulsification as the procedure of choice to repair cataracts, the risk for retinal detachment (RD) dropped significantly between 1989 and 2001, according to a study published in the July issue of the Archives of Ophthalmology. The study further evaluated additional risk factors for RD post–cataract surgery using phacoemulsification. RD is the most common sight-threatening
Zeran Li, as an undergraduate student in biological sciences, led a research team that uncovered an enzyme's role in the regulation of eye size in the fish. If the enzyme's role is similar in human eyes, it could be relevant to human vision problems, such as nearsightedness and farsightedness. “New insights into the process of eye-size control in zebrafish may help our understanding of the regula
August 16, 2012 – The incidence of cataracts in the U.S. has risen 19 percent since 2000, impacting nearly 25 million Americans age 40 and older.[i] In fact, more than half of all Americans will develop cataracts by age 80, according to Prevent Blindness America’s Vision Problems in the U.S. report. In response, the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s EyeSmart program is educating the public abou
The way that the visual centers of men and women's brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.In the brain there are high concentrations of male sex hormone (androgen) receptors throughout cer
Patients using cholesterol-lowering statin drugs may be at increased risk of developing age-related cataracts, according to a study. Statins and Diabetes Both Increase Cataract Risk The study included nearly 6,400 patients seen at the optometry clinic at the University of Waterloo in 2007-08. Of these, 452 patients had type 2 diabetes. Statin treatment and diabetes were evaluated as possible risk

Could Daily Aspirin Harm Seniors Eyes?

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4290 days ago (Editorial)
Daily aspirin use among seniors may double their risk of developing a particularly advanced form of age-related macular degeneration, a debilitating eye disease, a large new European study suggests.The possible link involves the so-called "wet" type of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a significant cause of blindness in seniors.Aspirin use was not, however, found to be associated with an i

Leptin Implicated in Hearing and Vision Loss

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4280 days ago (Editorial)
Leptin - commonly dubbed the "fat hormone" - does more than tell the brain when to eat. A new study by researchers at The University of Akron and Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) shows that leptin may play a role in hearing and vision loss. This discovery, made in zebrafish treated to produce low leptin, could ultimately help doctors better understand sensory loss in humans. While the s
Elderly struggling with the advanced neovascular, or "wet", form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can be treated with ranibizumab, which improves results on eye exams, allowing patients to have a driver's license. In turn, their driver confidence is stronger and they are able to keep driving longer. The condition often goes untreated, which makes it the most common reason the elderly los
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