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An app-based telemedicine program significantly increases screening for diabetic retinopathy at community health clinics, according to a multicenter randomized controlled trial. This is a more convenient form of screening than traditional surveillance by an ophthalmologist, and it is "done right in the clinic," Steven Mansberger, MD, director of glaucoma services at the Devers Eye Institute in Po

First Drug to Help Melanoma of the Eye

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4026 days ago (Editorial)
AstraZeneca's experimental drug, selumetinib, is the first targeted medication to show a significant clinical benefit for patients with melanoma of the eye (metastatic uveal melanoma), researchers from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center explained at the 49th annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), in Chicago, Illinois.
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New research from government scientists paints a clearer picture of how genetics may play a role in age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, the leading cause of blindness in people age 60 and older. Researchers have identified seven places on the human genome that seem to be linked with the vision loss condition, adding to the 12 that had been identified in previous research. The study is publi
As many children begin to head back to school after the summer break, Prevent Blindness America hopes to help educate parents and educators on the importance of children’s vision. According to the recent “Cost of Vision Problems: The Economic Burden of Vision Loss and Eye Disorders in the United States” study from Prevent Blindness America, vision disorders in children ages 0-17 cost Americans mo
Scientists are developing a clearer picture of how visual systems develop in mammals. The findings offer important clues to the origin of retinal disorders later in life. in research published this week in the Journal of Neuroscience, University at Buffalo scientists and colleagues focused on a particular protein, called a transcription factor, that regulates gene activity necessary for the devel
What if I crossed my eyes for 10 minutes? Would they stick that way forever?

Curious Eye Details

Posted by Sam (#3) 4753 days ago (Editorial)
Did you know that?

- The average person blinks 12 times per minute - about 10,000 blinks in an average day.

- The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.

- Your eye will focus on about 50 things per second

- Your Eyes contribute towards 85% of your total knowledge.

- The older we are the less tears we produce.

To see more details, visit

Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes

Posted by Sam (#3) 4742 days ago (Editorial)
- Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

- Know your family's eye health history.

- Eat right to protect your sight.

- Practice workplace eye safety.

To see more, visit

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