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Amsterdam, NL, October 16, 2012 -- Little is known about oculomotor function in amblyopia, or "lazy eye," despite the special role of eye movements in vision. A group of scientists has discovered that abnormal visual processing and circuitry in the brain have an impact on fixational saccades (FSs), involuntary eye movements that occur during fixation and are important for the maintenance of visio
In patients with hyperlipidemia, statin use for 1 year decreased the hazard of developing open-angle glaucoma (OAG) by 5%, and use for 2 years decreased it by 9%, according to a retrospective, longitudinal cohort analysis. Individuals who used statins also had a decreased risk of progressing from suspected glaucoma to OAG and needing intraocular pressure–lowering medications. Joshua D. Stein, MD,
Governments could add billions of dollars to their economies annually by funding the provision of an eye examination and a pair of glasses to the estimated 703 million people globally that needed them in 2010 according to a new study published this week. The health economics study calculated that there would be a saving of US$202 billion annually to the global economy through a one-off investmen
Blind patients fitted with a retinal prosthesis system are able to accurately detect motion, according to a new report in the Archives of Ophthalmology. For 15 of 28 patients with blindness due to retinitis pigmentosa, the Argus II device (Second Sight Medical Products; Sylmar, California) significantly improved their ability to identify the direction of a high-contrast moving bar on a computer s
The chaperone protein Grp94 can interfere with the clearance of another protein known to cause the glaucoma when mutated, a new study led by researchers at the University of South Florida has found. Using a cell model, the researchers also demonstrated that a new specific inhibitor of Grp94 facilitates clearance of the genetically-defective protein, called myocilin, from cells. Reported online th

Vision and Learning Go Hand-In-Hand

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4239 days ago (Editorial)
October is Eye Health Month and the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO) has chosen the theme “Look. See. Learn” which concentrates on children’s vision. This campaign along with the “Eye See … Eye Learn” program starting in Niagara this year should encourage parents to ensure their child isn’t one of the statistics that make these programs necessary.To see more details visit,
Researchers from Australia’s Vision Centre have demonstrated a quick and accurate test under normal light conditions for diagnoses of AMD. Their study shows that AMD can be just as easily and effectively diagnosed under bright lights, as it can after patients sit in a dark room for 20 minutes. The study also shows that the new method is less costly.To see more details visit,
A new policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics published Monday recommends photo screening and handheld auto refraction as an alternative to visual acuity screening with vision charts in children aged three to five years old. After age five, visual acuity screening with vision charts becomes more efficient and less costly, the statement notes.To see more details visit,
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