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The way that the visual centers of men and women's brains works is different, finds new research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Sex Differences. Men have greater sensitivity to fine detail and rapidly moving stimuli, but women are better at discriminating between colors.In the brain there are high concentrations of male sex hormone (androgen) receptors throughout cer
Two laser surgeries used to correct blurry vision have a similar chance of causing dry eyes, at least temporarily, a new study finds. Doctors have long known that eye dryness can be a side effect of laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (better known as LASIK) and of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).But the "conventional wisdom" has been that people who already have dry eyes might be better off
People whose vision has deteriorated in both eyes are less physically active than people without vision loss, according to a new study, potentially putting them at risk for poor health. The results are not surprising, but are a reminder that it's important to help people with vision loss regain activity safely, say the study's authors. It's not clear from the study if the loss of vision is leadin
While most vision problems are natural or genetic, some are the result of injury and accident.Eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness in school-age, and most of those injuries are sports related.According to the National Eye Institute, there are more than 100,000 sports related eye injuries every year with 42,000 requiring emergency room care.In fact, U.S. emergency rooms treat a patient
New data for Lucentis® (ranibizumab) has demonstrated improvement in visual acuity achieved with individualized treatment after one year is maintained for up to three years on average in patients with VI-DMO, with fewer injections in years two and three compared to the first year and no additional or new safety risks identified1.The findings come from the RESTORE extension study which showed that
Discovery could lead to therapies for this condition, and a better understanding of how genetic mutations in the nervous system cause movement disorders in other parts of the body with a long term view to encouraging the re-growth of damaged cells A research team from King's College London and the University of Exeter Medical School has identified how a genetic mutation acts during the developme

Adhesive May Improve Safety of Eye Surgery

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4322 days ago (Editorial)
Kansas State University researchers have developed a glue mixture that may reduce risks after laser vision correction surgery. Stacy Little child, a recent bachelor's degree graduate in biology originally from Wakeeney, is the lead author of two studies that describe a new protocol involving fibrinogen, riboflavin and ultraviolet light that could improve the safety of the corrective surgery.For m
With culturally diverse populations continuing to grow in the United States, many of which are at increased risk for developing certain vision conditions as compared to the general population, Transitions Optical reveals additional evidence that African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans are not taking the proper steps to care for their eyes. According to a recent report by Prevent
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