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Sequencing Of Mouse Neural Retina

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4583 days ago (Editorial)
In a new study, researchers have gained fresh insights into neural disease genes by sequencing virtually all the gene expression in the mouse neural retina. The technology to obtain such a "transcriptome" has become accessible enough that full-scale sequencing is the preferred method for asking genetics questions. To see more details,
A transparent cornea is essential for vision, which is why the eye has evolved to nourish the cornea without blood vessels. But for millions of people around the world, diseases of the eye or trauma spur the growth of blood vessels and can cause blindness.A new Northwestern Medicine study has identified a gene that plays a major role in maintaining clarity of the cornea in humans and mice - and c
A new study in the journal Optometry and Vision Science shows that just 2 percent of contact lens wearers actually follow all the rules when it comes to contact lens hygiene, while more than 80 percent of people believe that they follow good practices, NPR reported. The biggest no-nos we commit are showering, swimming and sleeping while our contact lenses are still in, and using our contacts long

How Do I Prepare My Child for an Eye Exam?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4583 days ago (Editorial)
Make time to sit down and explain what will happen during your child's eye exam. Make sure your child knows that he will be asked to look at and identify objects for the eye doctor. These could be pictures, letters, or shapes of light on the wall. Explain also that the eye doctor may put drops in his or her eyes, but that it will not hurt. Eye drops may sting a bit but only for a moment. Be hones

Chalazion facts

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4583 days ago (Editorial)

  • A chalazion is a lump of the upper or lower eyelid caused by obstruction and inflammation of an oil gland of the eyelid.

  • A chalazion is not a tumor and does not cause permanent changes in the vision.

  • A chalazion is very common and usually goes away without the necessity of surgery.

To see more details visit
Mayo Clinic researchers have identified critical steps leading to myelin destruction in neuromyelitis optica (NMO), a debilitating neurological disease that is commonly misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis (MS). NMO is an inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that damages the optic nerves and spinal cord, causing vision loss, weakness, numbness and, sometimes, arm and leg pa
Existing treatments to slow the progression of nearsightedness, or myopia, in children are either ineffective or impractical because of side effects, according to a Cochrane Library review of randomized clinical trials. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews notes that several new approaches, including the use of corneal reshaping contact lenses or bifocal soft contact lenses, are promising. How

Childhood Glaucoma

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4586 days ago (Editorial)
Childhood glaucoma — also referred to as congenital glaucoma, pediatric, or infantile glaucoma — occurs in babies and young children. It is usually diagnosed within the first year of life.This is a rare condition that may be inherited, caused by incorrect development of the eye’s drainage system before birth. This leads to increased intraocular pressure, which in turn damages the optic nerve.Symp
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