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There are more than 29 million adult Americans currently affected by vision problems that if not detected and treated early, could lead to vision loss. Many of these are the result of sight-threatening age-related eye disease, such as macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.For more than 100 years, Prevent Blindness America, the nation’s oldest eye health and safety org
A new femtosecond laser system that provides a single platform to perform a wide variety of surgical eye procedures has received CE mark approval for sale in the European Union, and will begin to ship before the end of the year.Developed by eye care giant Bausch + Lomb in collaboration with its close associate Technolas Perfect Vision (TPV), the “VICTUS” platform is approved for various elements

What is Retinopathy of Prematurity?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4590 days ago (Editorial)
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a developmental disease of the eye that affects premature infants. When a baby is born, the retinal blood vessels have not completed their development. In patients with ROP, the blood vessels stop growing and new, abnormal blood vessels grow instead of normal retinal blood vessels. The developmental arrest and blood vessel maldevelopment may be temporary or per
Usually, the vitreous moves away from the retina without causing problems. But sometimes the vitreous pulls hard enough to tear the retina in one or more places. Fluid may pass through a retinal tear, lifting the retina off the back of the eye — much as wallpaper can peel off a wall. When the retina is pulled away from the back of the eye like this, it is called a retinal detachment. The retina d
A study of an intravitreal insert (Iluvien, Alimera Sciences) that releases a sustained and controlled amount of the corticosteroid fluocinolone acetonide improved visual acuity for up to 3 years in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME). The 36-month study was 1 of 2 phase 3 clinical trials, collectively known as the FAME (Fluocinolone Acetonide for Macular Edema) study. The drug is injected
Smokers with thyroid eye disease are twice as likely to require strabismus surgery as nonsmokers. RathieRajendram, MRCOphth, from the Orbital Unit, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, United Kingdom, and colleagues examined the records of 425 of the hospital's thyroid eye disease patients who were seen by the same clinical team from 1997 through 2002. Researchers studied data for the 378 patients wh
During this holiday season, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is reminding about the dangers that toys may pose to children’s eyes and offers tips on how to choose safe toys for gift giving.
  • Avoid purchasing toys with sharp, protruding or projectile parts.
  • Make sure children have appropriate supervision when playing with potentially hazardous toys or games that could cause inju

What is Presbyopia?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4593 days ago (Editorial)
Presbyopia means "age of sight." It is not the same thing as farsightedness. It is a gradual loss of accommodation - the ability of the eye to adjust in order to see clearly objects at different distances. To accommodate this ability, the naturally elastic lens of the eye changes in shape and thereby adjusts its focusing power. Loss of accommodation occurs gradually throughout life. As the lens o
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