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Put eye exams on your to-do list, say experts

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4602 days ago (Editorial)
That attitude toward eye-care is catching up with an increasing number of Canadians. A survey by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society in 2005 found that 50 per cent of Canadians have not had an eye exam in five years or more. A study by the Canadian National Institute for the Blind in 2008 shows the number of Canadians with vision loss is expected to double in 20 years from glaucoma, cataracts a
A new generation of contact lenses that project images in front of the eyes is a step closer after successful animal trials, say scientists. The technology could allow wearers to read floating texts and emails or augment their sight with computer-generated images, Terminator-syle. Researchers at Washington University who are working on the device say early tests show it is safe and feasible. But
Visual impairment (VI) in childhood has lifelong implications for both the child and their family. Indeed, it affects the child's development, education, and the care given by families and professionals. It also shapes the adult the child will become, affecting employment and social prospects. Although less common than VI in adulthood, the number of 'blind years' experienced by these children in

Macular Degeneration Drug Eylea Approved

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4608 days ago (Editorial)
Drug Is a New Option for AMD, a Common Cause of Blindness The FDA has approved Eylea for the treatment of the wet form of age related macular degeneration (AMD), the major cause of blindness in the elderly. Eylea inhibits a factor that makes unwanted blood vessels grow in the retina. The blood vessels can leak blood and fluid, causing damage to the retina. Eylea blocks all forms of this factor, c

What Is Corneal Laceration?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4608 days ago (Editorial)
A corneal laceration is cut on the cornea, the clear front window of the eye. It is usually caused by something sharp flying into the eye or something striking the eye with significant force, like a metallic hand tool. A corneal laceration is deeper than a corneal abrasion, cutting partially or fully through the cornea. If the corneal laceration is deep enough (called a full thickness laceration)
If you look directly at the camera during a flash photo, the light from the flash entering your eyes may reflect off the retina, as if reflecting off a mirror. The back of the eye contains many small blood vessels, which give it a reddish appearance. Therefore, the reflected light looks red. To prevent this reflection from ruining their photographs, professional photographers use a flash that is

Macular Edema in Diabetes

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4611 days ago (Editorial)
The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) set the guidelines for the treatment of diabetic macularedema (DME). Since that time, the standard of treatment for diabetic macular edema has been glycemic control as demonstrated by the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), optimal blood pressure control as demonstrated by the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), an

What Is a Macular Hole?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4611 days ago (Editorial)
The macula is a very small area at the center of the retina — a thin layer of light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye. Light rays are focused onto the retina, where they are transmitted to the brain and interpreted as the images you see. It is the macula that is responsible for your pinpoint vision, allowing you to read, sew or recognize a face. As we grow older, the thick vitreous
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