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If your child is displaying any of the following symptoms or behaviors, you may want to take them in to an eye doctor for a comprehensive exam:

  • Dislike or avoidance of reading

  • Short attention span

  • Poor coordination when throwing or catching a ball, copying from chalkboard, or tying their shoes

  • Placing their head close to their books or sitting close to the
Application of a warm compress or warm washcloth to the affected area for 10 minutes, four to six times a day, can be an effective home remedy and speed rupture of the sty that aids in the relief of symptoms. A sty should not be pressed or squeezed to facilitate drainage, since this can spread or worsen the infection. If a sty persists for several days, a doctor may lance (drain) the infection un
The color of your eyes is determined by the genes you inherit from your parents. A gene for brown eyes is dominant. This means it over-rides genes for other eye colors. The gene for blue eyes is recessive. It shows up only when there are no genes for other eye colors. Someone with brown eyes may have a recessive, or "hidden," gene for blue eyes. Therefore, two brown-eyed parents may each give a r

Bipolar Kids Focus Less on Eyes

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4593 days ago (Editorial)
A new study suggests that bipolar children spend less time looking at someone’s eyes when trying to judge people’s emotional expressions such as happy, sad, fearful and angry. This new study finding may help explain why children with bipolar disorder and severe mood dysregulation have difficulty determining other people’s emotional expressions, said the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health i
According to an investigation in the November issue of Optometry and Vision Science, official journal of the American Academy of Optometry, the majority of individuals who wear contact lenses believe that they are following standard guidelines for lens wear and care, however, in reality only a tiny minority of these individuals actually follows all recommended care steps. The journal is published

Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4572 days ago (Editorial)
People who are farsighted see objects that are at a distance better than those that are up close. If you are farsighted, close objects may be so blurry that you can't do tasks such as reading or sewing. A farsighted eye sees things differently than an eye that is not farsighted.Farsightedness (hyperopia) is usually a variation from normal, not a disease. Less often, it happens because of another

Eye Health and Blepharitis

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4556 days ago (Editorial)
Blepharitis is a common eye condition, causing the eyelids to be reddened, itchy, and somewhat swollen and scaly-appearing at the base of the eyelashes. As scales become coarser, the surface of the eye becomes irritated and forms crusts, which may cause the lids to stick together when waking up in the morning. If this crust falls into your eye, you may feel like you have "something in your eye" o
Age, gender and place of residence affect a person's risk of developing exfoliation syndrome a leading cause of secondary open-angle glaucoma and increased risk of cataract, as well as cataract surgery complications according to data from the Nurses' Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study.Researchers used data from 78,955 women in the Nurses' Health Study and 41,191 men in the Hea
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