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It has long been thought that blindness after brain lesions is irreversible and that damage to the optic nerves leads to permanent impairments in everyday activities such as reading, driving, and spatial orientation. A new study published in Elsevier's Brain Stimulation suggests that treating such patients with low levels of non-invasive, repetitive, transorbital alternating current stimulation (
Compared with family medicine physicians, ophthalmologists and optometrists have a higher prevalence of neck, hand and wrist, and lower back pain, according to a recent survey. These problems have personal and professional impact, the researchers found. The eye care providers reported a significantly higher prevalence of neck pain (46% vs 21%), hand and wrist pain (17% vs 7%) and lower back pain

Color Blindness

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4627 days ago (Editorial)
Color blindness is used in colloquial terms to refer to the difficulty in telling colors apart but a more correct term would be color vision defect. Color blindness is a misnomer because only a small percentage of people are unable to see any color. Color vision is important in many everyday tasks, such a driving a car (does that traffic light mean "stop" or "go"?). Persons with color vision defe
Results from a recent scientific study in the U.K. may change the way that healthcare professionals measure eye pressure and allow them to assess the risk of glaucoma with greater accuracy. Glaucoma is the second most common cause of irreversible loss of vision worldwide. The study, published in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, reports the distribution and causes of eye p
Researcher Thijs Meenink at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has developed a smart eye-surgery robot that allows eye surgeons to operate with increased ease and greater precision on the retina and the vitreous humor of the eye. The system also extends the effective period during which ophthalmologists can carry out these intricate procedures. Meenink will defend his PhD thesis on Monday

Eye Surgery Improves Mood of Alzheimer's

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4627 days ago (Editorial)
Patients Study Shows Alzheimer's Patients May Sleep Better, Be Less Depressed After Cataract Surgery.
People with Alzheimer's disease should have regular eye tests to screen for vision problems. That's the recommendation of researchers who found that people with mild Alzheimer's disease who have cataracts may benefit from vision-correcting surgery. The benefits include improved sight, better sle

Use of Viagra May Affect Eyesight

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4630 days ago (Editorial)
Men who have a history of heart problems and consume anti-impotency pills like viagra run a very high risk of getting their eyesight damaged, according to a study conducted by the University of Alabama. The researchers suggest that taking Viagra may result in the anterior optic nerve receiving a lesser blood flow, giving rise to tissue damage. To see more details, visit
Application of a warm compress or warm washcloth to the affected area for 10 minutes, four to six times a day, can be an effective home remedy and speed rupture of the sty that aids in the relief of symptoms. A sty should not be pressed or squeezed to facilitate drainage, since this can spread or worsen the infection. If a sty persists for several days, a doctor may lance (drain) the infection un
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