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In a paper published in the October 2011 issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine, a team of researchers at Columbia University Medical Center led by Stephen Tsang, MD, Ph.D have achieved temporary functional preservation of photoreceptors in a mouse model for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) using novel bipartite gene therapy
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A case study of a 2-year-old child diagnosed with retinoblastoma after a normal autorefraction test and traditional screenings is calling into question the wisdom of recently revised guidelines from the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF). That case study was published online October 3 in Pediatrics
Learn more about Typical Pediatric Vision Screening
Article written by Steven Fox
Each year, as Halloween approaches, revelers find new and interesting ways to enhance their costumes. Many have turned to decorative contact lenses to complete their ghoulish or fantasy-like looks. Topping off a costume with blood-drenched vampire eyes, glow-in-the-dark lizard lenses or maybe even the newest fad, circle lenses are all cool and trendy options. But most people do not know the sight

Earlier Screenings for Glaucoma Recommended

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4654 days ago (Editorial)
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Although it can be treated, new research shows Canadians may not be doing enough to protect themselves. According to a new study by Lawson Health Research Institute's Dr. Cindy Hutnik, many Canadian glaucoma patients are not screened until the disease has reached moderate or advanced stages. To see more details, visit

Genetic eye diseases

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4654 days ago (Editorial)
Genetic eye diseases include a large number of ocular pathologies which have in common the transmission from parents to children by their genetic inheritance. All do not cause visual impairment. Knowledge about genetic eye diseases has increased dramatically during the last twenty years. Although there are no global statistics which let us know the extent of the burden of visual impairment from g
Moorfields Eye Hospital has been given approval to carry out a trial into retinal stem cell treatment for Stargardt's disease. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency agreed to the trials, which are due to start in the next few months with 12 patients. They will investigate the safety of using retinal cells derived from human embryonic stem cells to treat people with advanced Star

There are no recommended antiviral drugs to treat a highly contagious form of viral conjunctivitis called pinkeye. Now early research from Sweden suggests that an experimental eye drop might stop viral pinkeye in its tracks and keep family members, schoolmates, coworkers, and other close contacts of patients from becoming infected. The drops have not been studied in humans, but researchers say
Simply looking at your eyes in a mirror can reveal if you’re susceptible to a heart attack or stroke

undetectable by your cholesterol levels. “A very simple study” found conclusive evidence that

xanthelasmata or yellow patches on the upper and lower eyelids, put people of all ages at greater

risk of disease and death.

Learn more about what your eyes say about your risk for heart attac
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