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PARENTS AND TEACHERS: Watch for early signs of vision impairments such as amblyopia ("lazy eye"), strabismus (intermittent exotropia, esotropia, etc.), and convergence insufficiency. Children should be examined by an eye doctor during infancy, preschool, and school years to detect potential vision defects. Did you know that a child can pass the 20/20 test and still have significant vision problem

Childhood Blindness

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4685 days ago (Editorial)
The major causes of blindness in children vary widely from region to region, being largely determined by socioeconomic development, and the availability of primary health care and eye care services. In high-income countries, lesions of the optic nerve and higher visual pathways predominate as the cause of blindness, while corneal scarring from measles, vitamin A deficiency, the use of harmful tra

Tinted glasses to prevent migraine

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4685 days ago (Editorial)
Precision-tinted glasses seem to help prevent migraines in people whose pain is triggered by certain visual patterns. Precision-tinted lenses have been used since the 1990s in Britain to help people who are poor readers, a condition which can have symptoms similar to those of dyslexia.
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Pregnancy and Eye Care

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4685 days ago (Editorial)
Eyes may change somewhat during pregnancy due to fluid retention, increased blood volume, hormonal fluctuations and other physical shifts that are part of pregnancy. Usually these changes are temporary and resolve after the baby is born, or after weaning a breast-fed child. Vision changes tend to be minor and don’t require a new eyeglass prescription. LASIK surgery should not be done when a woman

Facts about Blindness and Eye Health Worldwide

Posted by Sam (#3) 4692 days ago (Editorial)

  • Somewhere in the world, someone goes blind every five seconds.

  • A child goes blind every minute.

  • Eighty percent of all blindness is preventable or curable.

  • It is estimated that at least 7 million people go blind every year.

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Clear Vision Safe Driving

Posted by Sam (#3) 4692 days ago (Editorial)
As a minimum legal requirement, motorists must be able to read a number plate from a distance of 20.5 meters (67 feet) and have a 120 degree wide field of view. This test is normally only carried out officially at the time of the driving test itself and recent research has shown that more than 10 per cent of drivers would fail a driving test if they re-took it today because of poor eyesight.

According to the Second Oxford Conference on Vision for Children in the Developing World, over 3 billion people (45% of the world's population) need some form of vision correction to see clearly. Also, poor vision is a developmental issue affecting every day lives of these 3 billion people worldwide. Of these, two thirds live in the less developed world where the majority do not have access to an
The Ontario Association of Optometrists, with funding assistance from the Ontario Government, is also increasing the awareness about the importance of early identification of vision problems through the Eye See...Eye Learn program. The program encourages parents of Junior Kindergarten children to book eye exams with participating local optometrists. The program will be expanding across the provin
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