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Telescope Science Leads to Better Eyecare

Posted by Sam (#3) 4715 days ago (Editorial)
Almost a month ago, NASA finished polishing the mirros of the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble's successor, down to an accuracy of one-millionth of an inch. The technology developed for testing the revolutionary mirrors has already spurred improvements in ocular health, from diagnosing problems and providing more accurate contact lenses to perfecting laser eye surgery.

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Most people assume an annual eye exam only checks a lens prescription, but your eye doctor is also checking to make sure your eyes are healthy. The eyes are the only unobstructed, non-invasive view of blood vessels in the body, and they can tell a lot about your overall health.

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Contact Lenses

Posted by Sam (#3) 4729 days ago (Editorial)
Contact lenses are mainly used for two common purposes, to treat certain eye diseases or to change the apparent color of your eyes. Today, there are many options available for contact lenses. One can choose disposable lenses which can be changed over a night, or one can wear lenses for entire month too. If you want baby blue color in your eyes, then opt domestic contact lenses and if you have cer

Smoking and Eye Health

Posted by Sam (#3) 4729 days ago (Editorial)
Avoiding smoking, or quitting, is one of the best investments you can make in your long-term eye health. Smoking even in your teens or twenties increases your future risks for cataract and age, related macular degeneration (AMD). The more a person smokes, the higher the risks. The good news is that after people quit smoking, their risks for these eye diseases become almost as low as for people wh

Techniques to Combat Computer Vision Syndrome

Posted by Sam (#3) 4729 days ago (Editorial)
According to, one technique to combating CVS is to stay open in the background and sound an alert every 20 minutes. Then, once you click a button to start your "break", the screen goes black to encourage eye rest. After 20 seconds, another 20-minute session starts.

To see more details, visit http://protectyou

Foods to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Posted by Sam (#3) 4729 days ago (Editorial)
Garlic: Garlic is rich in sulfur, a nutrient that helps the body produce antioxidants that can protect the lens of the eye.

Salmon: Vitamins A and D, and probably the most important, omega-3 fatty acids promote improved eyesight by boosting your brain power.

Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate help protect blood vessels in your eyes. By protecti

Sports Eye Injuries

Posted by Sam (#3) 4729 days ago (Editorial)
Every year, hospital emergency rooms treat nearly 40,000 victims of sports eye injuries. All professional and recreational athletes participating in eye-hazardous sports need to wear eye protection. To help prevent sports eye injuries, protective polycarbonate eyewear should be worn whether or not prescription eyewear is needed.

To see more details, visit

Eye Safety at Home

Posted by Sam (#3) 4730 days ago (Editorial)
Believe it or not, the average home is full of dangers that often go unnoticed. In fact, accidents involving common household products cause 125,000 eye injuries each year. You can reduce the risks of eye injuries for yourself and other family members by using this simple checklist for different areas of your home:

- Store personal-use items (cosmetics, toiletry products), kitchen utensils, an
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