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Physicians at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center have become the first in Virginia to successfully implant a telescope in a patient's eye to treat macular degeneration. The telescope implant is designed to correct end-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the most advanced form of AMD and the leading cause of blindness in older Americans. Patients with end-stage AMD have
A new therapeutic approach to diabetes that combines insulin and an inhibitor of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) betacellulin could limit the progression of diabetic macular edema (DME), Cleveland Clinic researcher Bela Anand-Apte, MD, PhD, said at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, on Dec. 17 in San Francisco. The study, conducted with insulin-dependent diabetic mice, showe

Is Your Office Destroying Your Eyes?

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4077 days ago (Editorial)
Long hours in front of a computer screen can cause a number of unpleasant visual symptoms, including itchy or dry eyes, headaches, blurry vision, eye redness, or eye aches. Any one of those symptoms indicates significant eyestrain, says Cammie Menendez, Ph.D., an epidemiologist from the University of Texas-Houston. (Speaking of aches, if any part of your body is in pain, click here to find out Th
Scientists say the unexpected finding offers a new basic understanding of fetal eye development and ocular diseases caused by vascular disorders -- in particular one called retinopathy of prematurity that can blind premature infants. The research, led by scientists at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), appears online Jan. 16 ahead

Amblyopia and Your Child's Eyes

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4077 days ago (Editorial)
Amblyopia, commonly called lazy eye, is a condition in children when vision does not develop properly in one eye. If it’s left untreated, a child's vision will never develop correctly in that eye. Vision impairment becomes permanent because as the child’s brain matures, it will "ignore" the image coming from the poorly Seeing Eye. That’s why it’s essential to have a child with amblyopia regularly
Two articles published in the January issue of JAMA Ophthalmology (formerly Archives of Ophthalmology) describe 2 sensitive and specific point-of-care tests that can help clinicians quickly and easily reach a diagnosis in conditions that previously have been a conundrum: adenoviral conjunctivitis and dry eyes (now more formally called dysfunctional tear syndrome). Both tests use direct sampling m
Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in collaboration with researchers at the Salk Institute in California, have found for the first time that a specific protein is essential not only for maintaining a healthy retina in the eye, but also may have implications for understanding and possibly treating other conditions in the immune, reproductive, vascular and nervous systems, as well a
Vitamins have, for many, become a part of everyday health care -- the "ounce of prevention" thought to thwart disease and give us a leg up on feeling good. When it comes to eye health, a certain vitamin regiment designed to reduce the risk of severe vision loss has gained notice. This blend of vitamins A, C and E, beta-carotene, zinc and copper is thought to contain antioxidants necessary for goo
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