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Tips: Putting in eye drops

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4475 days ago (Editorial)

  • Tilt your head back slightly.

  • Look toward the ceiling.

  • Gently pull your lower eyelid down and place a drop in the sac.

  • Then gently close your eyes and press the inside corner of your eyelid for about 2 minutes to block the excess eye drop from running into your nose.

  • Wait about 5 minutes between drops, so as not to dilute the first drop with the

The KAMRA corneal inlay Source: AcuFocus

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4461 days ago (Editorial)
The KAMRA corneal inlay by AcuFocus (Irvine, Calif.) is gaining traction as a great option for treating presbyopia in markets that have access to it, such as Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. The inlay works based on the principle of small aperture optics and provides improved depth of focus to improve near vision while having minimal impact on distance vision. The KAMRA inlay is the res
Researchers at the University of Tokyo's School of Medicine have shown for the first time that caffeine intake can significantly increase the eye's ability to produce tears, a finding that could improve treatment of dry eye syndrome. This common eye condition affects about four million people age 50 and older in the United States. For many, dry eye syndrome is simply uncomfortable and annoying, b

Climate Change 'Is Harming Eye Health'

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4433 days ago (Editorial)
GLOBAL WARMING Warming of the Earth's climate system and related increasing concentrations of greenhouse gasses are causing some eye disorders. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), of the 18 million people worldwide who have cataract-related diseases, 5% are directly attributable to UV radiation. UVA light, a component of UV radiation, stimulates the over-production of damaging oxyge
Two students from UC's top-ranked design programs have applied for a provisional patent on their design and prototype of a prescription-medicine pill bottle for the blind and visually impaired - an innovation that could benefit millions of users. It's easy to see that University of Cincinnati design students Alex Broerman and Ashley Ma are on to something with their new design and prototype for
An estimated 720,000 Canadians sustain eye injuries that require medical attention every year, according to a new study by CNIB. And one in four of those who experience an eye injury are forced to take time off work or school as a result. The results are very interesting, says the study's author Dr. Keith Gordon, vice president of research at CNIB.The study also found that although the number of

Smoke gets in your eyes

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4391 days ago (Editorial)
We have known for some time that smoking is a major risk factor for AMD. Smokers have up to four times the risk of developing AMD com-pared to non-smokers or past smokers. Smokers may also develop the disease about 10 years earlier than non-smokers. How much you smoke also affects your risk of acquiring AMD. People who smoke more have a higher risk of developing AMD than those who smoke less and
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is the most promising imaging technique used in ophthalmology today. Noninvasive, noncontact and having quick image acquisition makes OCT a requirement in ophthalmology practice. OCT can be used to gain cross-sectional images of the anterior and posterior segment of the eye. In cornea and refractive surgery anterior segment OCT (AS-OCT) is used in presurgical pl
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