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Ways to Reduce Risk of Glaucoma

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3981 days ago (Editorial)
There is no cure for glaucoma; treatment usually slows the progression of the disease. To reduce high eye pressure, practice a healthy lifestyle with these natural ways that help you maintain good vision.
Prevent Diabetes: Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels: the American Diabetes Association says. In order to reduce high eye pressure, it is best to avoid foods that cause your insulin levels to rise

Gene Expression in the Human Retina

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3970 days ago (Editorial)
Investigators at Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Harvard Medical School have published the most thorough description of gene expression in the human retina reported to date. In a study published in the journal BMC Genomics, Drs. Michael Farkas, Eric Pierce and colleagues in the Ocular Genomics Institute (OGI) at Mass. Eye and Ear reported a complete catalog of the genes expressed in the retina.

Foam Parties May Cause Eye Irritation

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3953 days ago (Editorial)
Foam parties are increasingly popular, but the fun may come with a price. Foam parties may cause eye irritation sufficient to impair vision and require medical treatment, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  For example, more than 50 participants in a May 25 foam party at a Naples, Fla., night club sought treatment for eye injuries at local emergency r
There is soon to be another health warning message on cigarette packets urging people to give up the habit - blindness.

Learn more @

Tips To Protect Your Eyes From The Sun

Posted by Sam (#3) 4747 days ago (Editorial)
- Don't focus on color or darkness of sunglass lenses: Select sunglasses that block UV rays. Don’t be deceived by color or cost. The ability to block UV light is not dependent on the price tag.

- "Check for 97-100% UV protection: Make sure your sunglasses block 97 to 100 percent of UV-A rays and UV-B rays.

- Wear a hat: In addition to your sunglasses, wear a broad-brimmed hat to protect yo


Posted by Sam (#3) 4738 days ago (Editorial)
Proper sunglasses are most important during Summer because it protects your eyes from the harmful UV-rays that are the cause of blindness, cataracts, etc. One way to ensure that the sunglasses will protect your eyes from harmful rays is to put your sunglasses on, and take a look in the mirror; if you can see your eyes, the lenses aren't dark enough to screen out visible light.

To see more de
Most people assume an annual eye exam only checks a lens prescription, but your eye doctor is also checking to make sure your eyes are healthy. The eyes are the only unobstructed, non-invasive view of blood vessels in the body, and they can tell a lot about your overall health.

To see more details, visit

Eye Health Information for Veterans

Posted by Sam (#3) 4704 days ago (Editorial)
Veterans of the Iraq or Afghanistan wars are more likely than those who served in earlier wars to have vision loss as a result of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Higher rates of TBI in these recent wars can be attributed to two factors: explosive devices have been a major cause of injury, and improved body armor has enabled soldiers to survive more serious injuries.

Read more about Tbi and vis
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