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Tips For Maintaining Eye Health

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4366 days ago (Editorial)
Whilst the importance of regular eye examinations should never be underestimated, it is also essential to realise that good eye health relies on much more than simply reading the letters from the optician’s chart. Eyes are extremely delicate and, probably, one of our most valuable organs.However, we often neglect them when maintaining our overall health.there are a number of ways to protect and b
That screen time is killing our eyes according to a report from the American Academy of Optometry. So what should we do about it? Health experts say to reduce our time looking at screens to less than two hours a day. They do, of course, provide the caveat that it’s fine when looking at a screen for work. They do say that you really should get out more while focusing your vision on books and other
A new development has been made for delivering drugs into the eyes. The new process uses tiny ‘microneedles’ to inject drugs into the eyeball.A team of researchers based at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, in the US, have demonstrated that drugs can be successfully delivered to the eye using microneedles. Injections into the eye are known as intravitreal injections. Injec
Research conducted at the Angiogenesis Laboratory at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, has for the first time, identified the mode of death of cone photoreceptor cells in an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). This groundbreaking study, led by Demetrios G. Vavvas, M.D., Ph.D., and including Joan W. Miller, M.D., Mass. Eye and Ear/Mass General Hospital Chief of Ophthalmology and Chair of
Two laser surgeries used to correct blurry vision have a similar chance of causing dry eyes, at least temporarily, a new study finds. Doctors have long known that eye dryness can be a side effect of laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (better known as LASIK) and of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK).But the "conventional wisdom" has been that people who already have dry eyes might be better off
An experimental treatment for blindness, developed from a patient’s skin cells, improved the vision of blind mice in a study conducted by Columbia ophthalmologists and stem cell researchers.Central vision is lost in age-related macular degeneration after cells in the retina deteriorate. New research by Stephen Tsang suggests special adult stem cells could restore sight or prevent vision loss.The
A WOMAN who lost part of her sight in her left eye is urging people to have regular check-ups to prevent major problems. Mandy Buchanan did not know she had any problems with her sight until a routine check-up in March. It revealed she has a macular hole, a hole in part of her retina, and she was immediately referred to specialists at Hull and East Yorkshire Eye Hospital.Although she was told sur
Exposed tissue surfaces, including skin and mucous membranes, are under constant threat of attack by microorganisms in the environment. The layer of cells that line these areas, known as epithelial cells, are the first line of defense against these pathogens, but the underlying molecular mechanisms that allow them to repel microbes are unknown. In this issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigat
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