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The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has today issued positive draft guidance on the use of ranibizumab for the treatment of VI-DMO, an eye condition which can occur in people with diabetes that causes blurred vision, severe vision loss and sometimes blindness. This means that some patients (those with a retinal thickness of 400 micrometres or more), could soon benefit
Chemists and vision scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago have designed a light-sensitive molecule that can stimulate a neural response in cells of the retina and brain -- a possible first step to overcoming degenerative eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration, or to quieting epileptic seizures.To see more details visit,

In research published in the journal Acta Biomaterial, the team describe a new method for producing membranes to help in the grafting of stem cells onto the eye, mimicking structural features of the eye itself. The technology has been designed to treat damage to the cornea, the transparent layer on the front of the eye, which is one of the major causes of blindness in the world. Using a combinati

Is Your Office Destroying Your Eyes?

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4079 days ago (Editorial)
Long hours in front of a computer screen can cause a number of unpleasant visual symptoms, including itchy or dry eyes, headaches, blurry vision, eye redness, or eye aches. Any one of those symptoms indicates significant eyestrain, says Cammie Menendez, Ph.D., an epidemiologist from the University of Texas-Houston. (Speaking of aches, if any part of your body is in pain, click here to find out Th
Trouble with vision makes senior living difficult for millions of Americans. In fact, according to the National Eye Institute, an estimated 1.75 million people in the U.S. have age-related macular degeneration (AMD) - the leading cause of blindness among seniors. Certain nutrients have often been seen as a good way for adults to protect their vision, and although recent research has cast doubt as
The American Academy of Ophthalmology cautions consumers about the dangers of cosmetic eyelash extensions and the adhesives used to apply them to eyelids. Specific dangers of using these extensions include:
Infection of the cornea; Infection of the eyelid; Swelling of the eyelid; and Permanent or temporary loss of eyelashes. A 2013 article published in Consumer Reports titled, "Eyelash extension

Sunshine keeps eyes healthy

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4011 days ago (Editorial)
At least 10 hours a week outdoors in the sunshine is beneficial for young children's vision, find the researchers. Exposure to sunshine as a small child is crucial to the development of a healthy eye according to results of long-term myopia study conducted by University of Sydney researchers. Their findings published this week in the American Academy of Ophthalmology's professional journal tables
Topical cyclosporine relieves the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis and may help patients reduce their dependency on steroids, according to a new meta-analysis published online June 4 in Ophthalmology. Allergic conjunctivitis is estimated to affect 20% to 30% of the world's population, lead author Kelvin Ho-Nam Wan, MBChB, and colleagues write. Symptoms include tearing, itching, discharge, and
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