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EyeTechCare SA, which is developing non-invasive therapeutic medical devices using ultrasound technology, announces the preliminary results of EyeMUST, a multicenter study of the use of its EyeOP1(R) device in glaucoma. The study, launched in September 2011 was carried out on 60 patients in nine centers in France (Lille, Paris, Dijon, Lyon and Grenoble). The aim was to confirm the positive result

Playing outside reduces short-sightedness

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4344 days ago (Editorial)
Researchers from the universities of Bristol and Cardiff have found that children who spend more time outdoors playing when they are aged between eight and nine are approximately half as likely to become short-sighted by the time they are 15.The symptoms of short-sightedness, also known as myopia, often start around puberty. Things in the distance appeared blurred. Glasses, contact lenses or othe
Some drugs prescribed to lower blood pressure can increase the risk of corrective cataract surgery, according to research published on the website of the British Journal of Ophthalmology. People who take beta blockers or ACE inhibitors to lower their blood pressure were found to be 61% and 54%, respectively, more likely to undergo cataract surgery, a study found. Around a third of the UK populati
While most vision problems are natural or genetic, some are the result of injury and accident.Eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness in school-age, and most of those injuries are sports related.According to the National Eye Institute, there are more than 100,000 sports related eye injuries every year with 42,000 requiring emergency room care.In fact, U.S. emergency rooms treat a patient
Blindness and vision impairment are on the rise in the United States. A recent report by Prevent Blindness America indicates that, since the year 2000, incidence of blindness and vision impairment has increased by 23 percent
among Americans age 40 and older.However, most blindness in this country is preventable with proper eye care.The American Academy of Ophthalmology and Eye Care America urge
Longstanding celiac disease is associated with an increased risk of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes, a new study finds. The prevalence of celiac disease in type 1 diabetes ranges from 3% to 12%, and the link between the two diseases is well established. "In fact, this type of screening is already adopted in many countries, including Sweden. This study, published online Septe
Glaucoma is a major cause of blindness around the world, but especially in developing countries. The World Health Organization says glaucoma is a greater public health challenge than cataracts, because the blindness caused by glaucoma is permanent. If you think you are not at risk for glaucoma, think again. Glaucoma is a disease that steals the sight of people around the world, and they typical
Heavy consumption of caffeinated coffee is associated with an increased risk for exfoliation glaucoma (EG) or exfoliation glaucoma suspect (EGS), especially in women with a family history of glaucoma, according to a study published in the October issue of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. The researchers found that caffeinated coffee significantly increased the risk for EG/EGS (P tr
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