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What if I crossed my eyes for 10 minutes? Would they stick that way forever?

Curious Eye Details

Posted by Sam (#3) 4734 days ago (Editorial)
Did you know that?

- The average person blinks 12 times per minute - about 10,000 blinks in an average day.

- The eye of a human can distinguish 500 shades of the gray.

- Your eye will focus on about 50 things per second

- Your Eyes contribute towards 85% of your total knowledge.

- The older we are the less tears we produce.

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Simple Tips for Healthy Eyes

Posted by Sam (#3) 4723 days ago (Editorial)
- Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam.

- Know your family's eye health history.

- Eat right to protect your sight.

- Practice workplace eye safety.

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A compound known as resveratrol that can be found in red wine and grapes may also have the potential to treat eye diseases such as age related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

To learn more, visit
A clinical trial led by Newcastle University shows that the drug, idebenone (Catena®), improved the vision and perception of color in patients with Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). The inherited condition means patients, who can see normally, lose the sight in one eye then within 3 to 6 months lose the sight in their other eye.

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Childhood Blindness

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4670 days ago (Editorial)
The major causes of blindness in children vary widely from region to region, being largely determined by socioeconomic development, and the availability of primary health care and eye care services. In high-income countries, lesions of the optic nerve and higher visual pathways predominate as the cause of blindness, while corneal scarring from measles, vitamin A deficiency, the use of harmful tra
Everybody knows that their eye doctor is the best place to go for a vision check and a screening for diseases of

the eye, like glaucoma, but it may be surprising to find that a dilated eye exam can be the window to total body

health. To see more details, visit

Ice-Tech Launches The Workplace Lens

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4631 days ago (Editorial)
ICE-TECH Advanced Lens Technologies, the exclusive manufacturer of the THIN-ICE Lens, has developed a new type of Progressive Addition Lens: The Workplace Lens. The Workplace Lens is the first in its line of occupational lenses, designed to comfort the fatigued eye. Perfect for patients who like to read, cook, do hobbies, or work a lot at the computer, and are used to the burning eyes, tension, h
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