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Why do you blink??

Posted by Sam (#3) 4764 days ago (Editorial)
Why do you blink?? Blinking lubricates your eyes. When you blink, you close your eyes for 0.3 seconds. You blink every 2 to 10 seconds, for a total of 30 minutes daily.
For almost 50 years, scientists have believed that light signals could not be initiated unless special light-receptor molecules in the retinal cells first changed their shape in a process called isomerization. However, the SU research team, which includes researchers from Columbia University, has demonstrated that visual signals can be initiated in the absence of isomerization.

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The eye takes the input necessary for vision, but the retina also houses a network of sensors that perceive the rise and fall of daylight. With light, the body sets its internal clock to a 24-hour cycle regulating an estimated 10 percent of our genes. Melatonin promotes sleep and alerts a variety of biological processes to the approximate hour of the day.

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Eye Safety at Home

Posted by Sam (#3) 4723 days ago (Editorial)
Believe it or not, the average home is full of dangers that often go unnoticed. In fact, accidents involving common household products cause 125,000 eye injuries each year. You can reduce the risks of eye injuries for yourself and other family members by using this simple checklist for different areas of your home:

- Store personal-use items (cosmetics, toiletry products), kitchen utensils, an

Eyecare Helps Avoid Future Health Problems

Posted by Sam (#3) 4696 days ago (Editorial)
Through comprehensive eye exams, eye doctors can see eye conditions like glaucoma and macular degeneration, as well as signs of deseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Eye doctors can even identify signs of diabetes up to seven years before a patient would typically show symptioms and be diagnosed by a primary care physician. People are three times more likely to get an
Do the types of fats and oils we consume influence vision? An epidemiological research completed recently in Australia and published in Archives of Ophthalmology indicates that the incidence of age related macular degeneration (ARMD) is reduced in those who consume fish
To see more details, visit Article written by Ray S
Simply looking at your eyes in a mirror can reveal if you’re susceptible to a heart attack or stroke

undetectable by your cholesterol levels. “A very simple study” found conclusive evidence that

xanthelasmata or yellow patches on the upper and lower eyelids, put people of all ages at greater

risk of disease and death.

Learn more about what your eyes say about your risk for heart attac
University of Texas at Austin researchers have discovered how to extract and use information in an individual image to determine how far objects are from the focus distance, a feat only accomplished by human and animal visual systems until now.
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