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Puffy Eyes in the Morning?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4623 days ago (Editorial)
Puffy eyes in the morning are caused by fluids gathering underneath the eyelid and can make it harder to see, or just make you feel very uncomfortable. The fluids do drain eventually throughout the day, but these simple tips are for reducing the puff straight away.
  • Spoons: Keep two spoons in the fridge, and if your eyes are puffy hold the curved bit of the spoon over your eyes, applying a little bit of pressure. It will help your eyes cool down and reduce the puffiness.

  • Tea bags: Leave two used tea bags in the fridge overnight. When your eyes are puffy, place them over your eyes. The caffeine will help your eyes, and so will the coolness.

  • Eye creams: If you wear an eye cream at night, make sure you're only using a thin layer. Pop your eye cream in the fridge overnight and in the morning apply it. It will be cooling to your eyes, reducing any puffiness.

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