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Burning Eyes

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3969 days ago (Editorial)
Burning eyes is generally a symptom of another problem that is lurking. It’s the most common symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome, as well as other conditions such as Blepharitis, Pink Eye and allergies. However, there are many other reasons why one suffers from a burning sensation within their eyes and one of the most prevalent is a foreign substance. In most cases, once the irritant or cause is taken out of the equation, the burning eyes see improvement and symptoms go away. Still, burning eyes have their own symptoms such as: Watery Eyes, Redness, Eye Pain, Discharge, Excessive tears, Burning sensation, Itching. However, this problem is also a symptom itself. There are many different optical conditions that list ‘burning eyes’ as one of their symptoms.  To see more details visit,

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