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Cataract surgery

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4576 days ago (Editorial)
Phacoemulsification and standard extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) are surgical methods that remove the cataract as well as the front portion of the lens capsule (anterior capsule). The back of the lens capsule (posterior capsule) is left inside the eye to keep the vitreous gel in the back of the eye from oozing forward through the pupil and causing problems. The posterior capsule also supports the IOL and helps keep it in the proper position. These types of surgery are usually done in an outpatient setting and not in a hospital.Phacoemulsification (small-incision surgery) is the most common type of cataract surgery. It is used more often than standard ECCE, even though they are similar procedures. To see more details, visit

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