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Intraocular Lenses

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3912 days ago (Editorial)
For patients who have extreme myopia or hyperopia it may be possible to implant a lens in the eye to correct the refractive error without removing the natural lens. This will allow patients who are not yet presbyopic, to retain their normal focusing ability for near vision. A small lens can be inserted through extremely small incisions in front of the natural lens to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness. One type of lens for correcting extreme myopia or nearsightedness is called Verisyse. This is a tiny but rigid lens that has received FDA approval and is slowly gaining acceptance among Ophthalmologists. Another, possibly better approach is to use a flexible or foldable lens implant to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness. Once implanted in the eye, the foldable lens expands to its full size, allowing the eye to remain relatively un-traumatized, thus reducing astigmatism and recovery time.
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