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Sunshine keeps eyes healthy

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4004 days ago (Editorial)
At least 10 hours a week outdoors in the sunshine is beneficial for young children's vision, find the researchers. Exposure to sunshine as a small child is crucial to the development of a healthy eye according to results of long-term myopia study conducted by University of Sydney researchers. Their findings published this week in the American Academy of Ophthalmology's professional journal tables data showing children who spend more time outdoors were less likely to become short-sighted or myopic. The researchers say that evidence suggests that small children under six years of age should spend at least 10 hours a week outdoors in the sunshine. Orthoptist Associate Professor Kathryn Rose, from the University's Faculty of Health Sciences says exposure to sunlight at a young age assists in the growth of a normal healthy eyeball preventing it from growing too fast or over - expanding and becoming oval or egg-shaped instead of round.To see more details visit,

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