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Ways to Reduce Risk of Glaucoma

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3973 days ago (Editorial)
There is no cure for glaucoma; treatment usually slows the progression of the disease. To reduce high eye pressure, practice a healthy lifestyle with these natural ways that help you maintain good vision.
Prevent Diabetes: Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels: the American Diabetes Association says. In order to reduce high eye pressure, it is best to avoid foods that cause your insulin levels to rise. UMM suggests avoiding white breads, pastas, and sugar.
Increase Your Lutein And Zeaxanthin Intake With Dark Leafy Vegetables: There is no recommended daily intake for these two nutrients but the AOP suggests that 10 milligrams a day of lutein and two mg/day of zeaxanthin are best to maximize health benefits of these two antioxidant nutrients.
Increase Your Workout: Regular exercise, like reducing overall hypertension, can also lower IOP levels. Exercises such as walking or jogging a minimum of three times a week is recommended by the GRF as part of a moderate exercise routine to promote good vision. As long as you continue to exercise, there will be plenty of eye health benefits to reap. To see more details visit,

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