EyeconX Ideas! - Cataract Rates are on the Rise in Americans Age 40 and Older http://ideas.eyeconx.net/story.php?title=cataract-rates-are-on-the-rise-in-americans-age-40-and-older August 16, 2012 – The incidence of cataracts in the U.S. has risen 19 percent since 2000, impacting nearly 25 million Americans age 40 and older.[i] In fact, more than half of all Americans will develop cataracts by age 80, according to Prevent Blindness America’s Vision Problems in the U.S. report. In response, the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s EyeSmart program is educating the public about... Mon, 27 Aug 2012 17:43:22 EDT en