EyeconX Ideas! - Muted Contact Lens Recall Irks FDA 'Continued' Recall of 600,000 Avaira Contact Lenses; Severe Pain Reported http://ideas.eyeconx.net/story.php?title=muted-contact-lens-recall-irks-fda-continued-recall-of-600000-avaira-contact-lenses-severe-pain-reported- Amid reports of severe eye pain and hazy vision, CooperVision "continues" its recall of 600,000 Avaira Toric contact lenses. The original three-paragraph recall notice was issued on Aug. 19. It suggested that relatively few contact lenses were involved and offered no specific information to consumers or to retailers. The FDA confirms that it exchanged letters with CooperVision over the recall, alt... Thu, 20 Oct 2011 18:02:10 EDT en