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Researchers have achieved dynamic, atomic-scale views of a protein needed to maintain the transparency of the lens in the human eye. The work, funded in part by the National Institutes of Health, could lead to new insights and drugs for treating cataract and a variety of other health conditions. Aquaporin proteins form water channels between cells and are found in many tissues, but aquaporin zero

Puffy Eyes in the Morning?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4626 days ago (Editorial)
Puffy eyes in the morning are caused by fluids gathering underneath the eyelid and can make it harder to see, or just make you feel very uncomfortable. The fluids do drain eventually throughout the day, but these simple tips are for reducing the puff straight away.
  • Spoons: Keep two spoons in the fridge, and if your eyes are puffy hold the curved bit of the spoon over your eyes, applying

Process Controlling Night Vision Clarified

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4229 days ago (Editorial)
New research reveals the key chemical process that corrects for potential visual errors in low-light conditions. Understanding this fundamental step could lead to new treatments for visual deficits, or might one day boost normal night vision to new levels? Like the mirror of a telescope pointed toward the night sky, the eye's rod cells capture the energy of photons ― the individual particles that
In a study published on line this week in the journal Human Molecular Genetics, Drs. Donita Garland, Rosario Fernandez-Godino, and Eric Pierce of the Ocular Genomics Institute at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School along with their colleagues, reported the unexpected finding that in mice genetically engineered to have an inherited form of macular degeneration, turning off the an
New research on mice raises hope of a better, more lasting treatment for macular degeneration, which uses a class of drugs known as MDM2 inhibitors to regress the abnormal blood vessels responsible for the vision loss associated with the disease. Researchers at the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Medicine and colleagues write about their findings in a recent online issue of the Journ
The severity of diabetic retinopathy is more likely to improve and progression to proliferative diabetic retinopathy is less likely to occur when diabetic macular edema is treated with monthly ranibizumab2
, new research shows. At 36-month follow-up, vision and the severity of diabetic retinopathy were significantly more likely to have improved in patients treated with monthly ranibizumab than i
Almost 3 million Americans have low vision, according to the National Eye Institute.  And, those numbers are expected to increase to more than 5 million by 2030 and close to 9 million by 2050.  Low vision is defined as vision loss that cannot be corrected with eyeglasses, medicine or surgery.  And, it may impact a person’s ability to do everything from working, driving, reading, or even walking s
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