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Bharat | Submitted

Research has shown extensive use of digital devices and computers can lead to eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches and premature vision conditions.The eye has not evolved as fast as technology. Prevention includes limited screen time and vision protection.Consider this, approximately 90%of the nation’s 65 million school-age children use computers daily and a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study

Smoke gets in your eyes

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4393 days ago (Editorial)
We have known for some time that smoking is a major risk factor for AMD. Smokers have up to four times the risk of developing AMD com-pared to non-smokers or past smokers. Smokers may also develop the disease about 10 years earlier than non-smokers. How much you smoke also affects your risk of acquiring AMD. People who smoke more have a higher risk of developing AMD than those who smoke less and
You might be a workaholic, and you definitely have "computer vision syndrome" (CVS). The eyestrain is partly caused by the lack of contrast on a computer screen (compared with ink on paper) and the extra work involved in focusing on pixels of light. What's more, by midlife the eyes lose some of their ability to produce lubricating tears. Irritation sets in, adding to blurriness and discomfort. Do

Don't Skimp on Health Care for Your Eyes

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4393 days ago (Editorial)
According to the CDC, 61 million Americans are at high risk of losing their eyesight, yet only half that number saw an eye doctor in the previous year. many people equate the health of their eyes with their ability to see. If they don't have vision problems now, or they have glasses that correct their vision, they often believe that their eyes are doing just fine.The trouble is, blinding diseases

Students conduct eye health study

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4394 days ago (Editorial)
Members of the LSU School of Human Ecology, Division of Human Nutrition and Food, have been conducting a three-year study focusing on how nutrition in college-aged students may impact their eye health later in life.Macular degenerationaffects adults age 50 and older,especially those with a high body mass index. Louisiana is the fifth most obese state in the country, and the adult obesity rate is

Eye Drops: An Ocean of Uses

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4394 days ago (Editorial)
Whether eye drops are treating "lazy eye," working to delay or prevent glaucoma, or helping dry or irritated eyes stay moist, they're getting more use than ever before. Here's what's new about today's eye drops. Eye drops usually contain saline as a base ingredient. Depending on their intended use, they may also contain lubricating, tear-replacing (artificial tears), an tiredness, and other subst
Early diagnosis of radiation retinopathy with spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), followed by prompt treatment with intravitreal bevacizumab (Avastin, Genentech/Roche) injections, may prevent deterioration of vision in patients with uveal melanoma who have undergone plaque brachytherapy.Researchers reported the finding here at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalm
They say "the eyes are the window to the soul." But a new study suggests the eyes may also offer a sneak peek at the risk of serious skin problems down the roadThe results showed that people with blue eyes were less likely to develop vitiligo. Meanwhile, people with brown eyes were more likely to develop the skin disease and its characteristic white patches of skin and hair.Researchers say the fi