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Bharat | Submitted

The two areas of the brain that are particularly good at reacting to external movements, even during eye movements, are known as V3A and V6. They are located in the upper half in the posterior part of the brain. Area V3A shows a high degree of integration: it reacts to movements around us regardless of whether or not we follow the moving object with our eyes. But the area does not react to visual

The KAMRA corneal inlay Source: AcuFocus

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4475 days ago (Editorial)
The KAMRA corneal inlay by AcuFocus (Irvine, Calif.) is gaining traction as a great option for treating presbyopia in markets that have access to it, such as Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. The inlay works based on the principle of small aperture optics and provides improved depth of focus to improve near vision while having minimal impact on distance vision. The KAMRA inlay is the res
Call your eye doctor for an exam if your vision changes. But you should also expect to have eye exams regularly. This is especially important since your eye doctor also checks for eye diseases and disorders.The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) recommends the following schedule for eye exams: Birth to age 6: Children's eyes and vision should be checked at birth, six to 12 months later, and
Patients taking oral bisphosphonates for the first time may be at higher risk of developing scleritis and uveitis, according to a large, retrospective cohort study published online April 2 in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The incidence rate among 10,827 first-time bisphosphonate users was 29/10,000 person-years for uveitis and 63/10,000 person-years for scleritis. In contrast, the inc

Eye Twitching

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4475 days ago (Editorial)
Eye twitching is a repetitive, uncontrollable blinking or spasm of the eyelid, usually the upper lid. Eye twitching (blepharospasm) usually affects the eye muscles of both eyes. If you have eye twitching, you may have an involuntary movement that recurs every several seconds for a minute or two. Most people develop a minor eyelid twitch at some point in their lives. The causes include: fatigue, s
Playing sports is good for your health, but for too many athletes, a game also can lead to a health disaster when an eye injury damages their vision. Every year, more than 40,000 Americans injure their eyes during sports and recreational activities such as baseball, basketball and tennis. Unfortunately, approximately one-third of those eye-injury victims are school-aged children.
To see more de

Facts about crying and tears

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4478 days ago (Editorial)
Tear ducts can become blocked: The ducts that drain tears from your eyes can become blocked due to aging, infection, inflammation, injury, tumour, or cyst. A blocked tear means tears can't be drain properly, causing symptoms of excessive tearing and watery eyes. Blocked ducts can also increase risk of eye infection and inflammation.To see more details visit,
The health message is clear: Wear sunglasses that offer protection from ultraviolet rays, the invisible radiation from sunlight. But what are the harmful effects on eyes from ultraviolet rays? On a bright day, excessive exposure to sunlight reflected off sand, snow or water can damage the eye’s surface, much like a sunburn to the skin. But doctors are particularly concerned about cumulative effec