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Lazy Eye? Playing Video Games Might Help

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4654 days ago (Editorial)
Those with a condition commonly referred to as lazy eye may soon be assigned video game therapy, thanks to

results of a new study . Participants in the UC Berkeley study who spent at least 40 hours playing off-the-shelf

video games throughout the course of the study enjoyed better visual acuity and 3D depth perception scores

than prior to playing the games.
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Men and women who develop visible deposits of cholesterol in the skin around their eyelids appear to face a

higher risk of heart disease in general and suffering a heart attack in particular, new Danish research suggests.

The link between the skin condition and heart disease, however, is characterized as an association, rather than a

clear case of "cause and effect." To see more details,

Visual Fatigue

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4674 days ago (Editorial)
Just like the muscles in your body, your eyes can get tired. For the job they do, your eyes contain the strongest muscles in your body. But as strong as they are, they can become strained and fatigued by sitting in front of a computer, under fluorescent lights or in front of a TV for a couple of hours. This is called visual fatigue
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Top Vision Foods

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4674 days ago (Editorial)
  • Blueberries The U.S. Department of Agriculture ranks blueberries as number one in antioxidants (compounds that deter cell damage) among the 40 most commonly eaten fresh fruits and vegetables, and recent studies show that blueberries strengthen capillaries for healthier eyes and veins.

  • Bilberry Related to blueberries, the bilberry is an herb that also strengthens capillary wall

Diabetics Must Take Care of Their Eyes

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4674 days ago (Editorial)
Individuals suffering from diabetes must consciously control their blood sugar levels and manage this disease daily either through careful diet, exercise, oral medication and/or insulin treatment. Another important activity must be added to this list, though: a regular eye check-up. That’s because diabetes, if left uncontrolled, also affects the eyes. Early cataract formation is a common eye comp

Health Tip: Warning Signs of Vision Loss

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4674 days ago (Editorial)
  • Having trouble recognizing friends' and relatives' faces.

  • Having problems performing tasks that require you to see things up close, including sewing, reading or cooking.

  • Having difficulty matching clothing or distinguishing colors.

  • Having trouble around the house because the lights don't seem as bright as they once were.

  • Having difficulty readi

For more than a decade, LASIK is one of the most studied medical procedures that has been considered a safe and effective vision correction option. However, experts at the American Refractive Surgery Council (ARSC) recommend you follow these steps: First, ask yourself some questions. Do glasses and/or contacts interfere with my daily life? Second, learn about what LASIK is (and what it is not). L
Apple has applied for a patent to cover a great new invention that would allow users to wear specially designed eyewear to view confidential information while using their mobile devices. The patent also covers gamers who are playing multiplayer games.
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