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Broken Blood Vessel in the Eye

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3979 days ago (Editorial)
Also known as a subconjunctival hemorrhage, a broken blood vessel in the eye is typically a harmless condition that clears up within one to three weeks. Subconjunctival is the term used to describe the space located just beneath the conjunctiva (the clear surface of your eye). The term hemorrhage refers to the breakage of tiny blood vessels. Most people do not realize they have a broken blood ves
In support of Cataract Awareness Month in August, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is urging seniors and their caregivers to be aware of the dangers of ignoring the symptoms of cataracts, a leading cause of visual impairment that will affect more than half of all Americans by the time they are 80 years old. Delaying diagnosis and treatment of age-related cataracts can increase seniors' risk
Though humans generally have a tendency to look at a region just below the eyes and above the nose toward the midline when first identifying another person, a small subset of people tend to look further down -- at the tip of the nose, for instance, or at the mouth. However, as UC Santa Barbara researchers Miguel Eckstein and Matthew Peterson recently discovered, "nose lookers" and "mouth lookers"
The thousands of Brits taking advantage of the sun by visiting festivals this summer are being warned to protect their eyesight from over exposure to UV rays by independent opticians. An estimated 135,000 people attended Glastonbury alone this year and thousands more are gearing up to attend the biggest events of the summer calendar, including Global Gathering at the end of July, V fest in August

Ways to Reduce Risk of Glaucoma

Posted by Praveen (#2) 3979 days ago (Editorial)
There is no cure for glaucoma; treatment usually slows the progression of the disease. To reduce high eye pressure, practice a healthy lifestyle with these natural ways that help you maintain good vision.
Prevent Diabetes: Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels: the American Diabetes Association says. In order to reduce high eye pressure, it is best to avoid foods that cause your insulin levels to rise

New Layer in Human Eye Discovered

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4008 days ago (Editorial)
A new layer in the front layer of the human eye has been discovered by researchers at The University of Nottingham. The findings, published in the journal Ophthalmology, could significantly help doctors carry out corneal grafts or transplants. The layer has been called the "Dua's Layer", named after the researcher who led the study, Professor Harminder Dua.  Harminder Dua, Professor of Ophthalmol
There is no cure for End-Stage AMD. It is uncorrectable by drugs, glasses, or cataract surgery. However, the CentraSight treatment program can help improve vision. The telescope implant has been shown to improve vision and quality of life in appropriate patients with End-Stage AMD. The program uses a tiny telescope, created from VisionCare Ophthalmic Technologies. The implantable telescope is abo

Vision, Dyslexia Not Linked: Study

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4008 days ago (Editorial)
A new brain imaging study appears to rule out one potential cause of dyslexia, finding that vision problems don't lead to the common reading disorder. The new research could have a wide-ranging impact on the detection and treatment of dyslexia, said senior study author Guinevere Eden, director of the Center for the Study of Learning at Georgetown University Medical Center. The study appears June