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Leptin Implicated in Hearing and Vision Loss

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4282 days ago (Editorial)
Leptin - commonly dubbed the "fat hormone" - does more than tell the brain when to eat. A new study by researchers at The University of Akron and Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) shows that leptin may play a role in hearing and vision loss. This discovery, made in zebrafish treated to produce low leptin, could ultimately help doctors better understand sensory loss in humans. While the s
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Leptin commonly dubbed the "fat hormone" does more than tell the brain when to eat. A new study by researchers at The University of Akron and Northeast Ohio Medical University. (NEOMED) shows that leptin may play a role in hearing and vision loss. This discovery, made in zebrafish treated to produce low leptin, could ultimately help doctors better understand sensory loss in humans.To see more det
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