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Praveen | Voted

Nearly One Third of Children in Study Had Correctable Refractive Errors. As kids head back to school or start kindergarten, it's the perfect time to make sure they have the best possible vision. A study of more than 10,000 preschoolers gives parents information on vision risks based on ethnicity and other factors and underscores the
importance of early vision screenings.
To see more details vis
Therapies for retinal diseases are expected to overtake those for glaucoma by 2014, reports Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News (GEN). Because current retinal disease treatments only improve vision for six to eight weeks, there is a critical need for new remedies, according to a recent issue of GEN.To see more details visit,
The retina is the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of our eye. Light rays are focused onto the retina through our cornea, pupil and lens. The retina converts the light rays into impulses that travel through the optic nerve to our brain, where they are interpreted as the images we see.Usually, the vitreous moves away from the retina without causing problems. But sometimes the vitreous pulls
Children under any suspicion of pinkeye will be quickly isolated from other children at school. The parent will be called, and the child excluded from school until they return with a doctor’s note. Granted, many types of pinkeye (conjunctivitis) are contagious. Combined with the hygiene practices of kids, pinkeye can quickly spread, especially in a preschool or day care.To see more details visit,

Brits Putting Eyes at Risk

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4303 days ago (Editorial)
Leading surgeon calls on Brits to check up on eyes this National Eye Health Week 2012 Alarming new research reveals Brits are putting their sight in danger by failing to look after their eyes properly, with 41% of adults avoiding annual eye tests. The research for specialist eye hospital group Optegra shows nine per cent of Brits 'hardly ever' get their eye sight checked, despite the importance o
An elderly woman got her sight back with help from a medical breakthrough. Surgeons at UC Davis Medical Center successfully placed a new telescope implant in the eye of Virginia Bane, 89, of Pollock Pines. Bane, who was in the end-stage macular degeneration, had her vision restored by the implant. Doctors implanted the telescope into one of Bane's eyes in May 2012. Since the procedure, Bane has u

Why is Childhood Blindness a Priority?

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4307 days ago (Editorial)
Here are several reasons why Sight savers believes eliminating childhood blindness is a priority.

  • There are an estimated 500,000 new cases of childhood blindness each year - roughly one per minute.

  • Without early intervention for cataract blindness children may go blind permanently.

  • Blinding conditions increase child mortality – up to 60% of children who become blind
Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that the worm which causes River Blindness survives by using a bacterium to provide energy, as well as help 'trick' the body's immune system into thinking it is fighting a different kind of infection. River Blindness affects 37 million people, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, causing intense itching of the skin, visual impairment and in severe ca