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Praveen | Voted

Discovery could lead to therapies for this condition, and a better understanding of how genetic mutations in the nervous system cause movement disorders in other parts of the body with a long term view to encouraging the re-growth of damaged cells A research team from King's College London and the University of Exeter Medical School has identified how a genetic mutation acts during the developme
Are you aware that Canada’s population is aging? This process started to accelerate in 2011, By 2031, approximately 24% of the population will be over the age of 65. The vision health care workforce will not be able to keep pace with the demand for its services. The ration of ophthalmologist to patients over 65 alone is projected to rise form 1,4301 to 1,7576 in the next 14 years. Canada is heade

Adhesive May Improve Safety of Eye Surgery

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4316 days ago (Editorial)
Kansas State University researchers have developed a glue mixture that may reduce risks after laser vision correction surgery. Stacy Little child, a recent bachelor's degree graduate in biology originally from Wakeeney, is the lead author of two studies that describe a new protocol involving fibrinogen, riboflavin and ultraviolet light that could improve the safety of the corrective surgery.For m
With culturally diverse populations continuing to grow in the United States, many of which are at increased risk for developing certain vision conditions as compared to the general population, Transitions Optical reveals additional evidence that African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans are not taking the proper steps to care for their eyes. According to a recent report by Prevent

What is river blindness?

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4316 days ago (Editorial)
River blindness is actually a phrase coined by our founder the late Sir John Wilson, when he travelled to West Africa in the 1950s. Its official name is onchocerciasis.River blindness is caused by a parasitical worm,onchocerca volvulus. The worm larvae are spread by the black simulium fly, which breed by the oxygen rich water of fast flowing rivers. The fly transmits the disease when it bites peo
The risk of visual impairment increases dramatically with age and therefore older adults should have their eyes examined at least every 1 to 2 years. Using a world-wide, population-based dataset, we sought to determine the frequency that older people had their eyes examined. We also examined factors associated with having a recent eye exam. The World Health Surveys were conducted in 70 countries
A retinal implant - or bionic eye - which is powered by light has been invented by scientists at Stanford University in California. Implants currently used in patients need to be powered by a battery. The new device, described in the journal Nature Photonics, uses a special pair of glasses to beam near infrared light into the eye. This powers the implant and sends the information which could help
Work, led by Lancaster University in partnership with Royal Preston Hospital, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has shown that people with Alzheimer's disease have difficulty with one particular type of eye tracking test. As part of the study, 18 patients with Alzheimer's disease, 25 patients with Parkinson's disease, 17 healthy young people and 18 healthy older people were aske