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Praveen | Voted

A black eye, also known as a periorbital hematoma or a shiner, refers to bruising of the tissue under the skin around the eye. In the majority of cases the injury was not to the eye itself, but rather to the face. The patient may have been struck on the face by a tennis ball, a fist, a door, etc. It is called a "black eye" because the bluish-dark color of the surrounding tissue's bruising, caused

Top Tips for Healthy Eyes

Posted by Praveen (#2) 4320 days ago (Editorial)
Taking care of our eyes is just as important as the rest of our bodies.
  • Get your eyes tested every two years even if you think your vision is fine
  • Talk to your relatives about your family eye health history as some eye conditions have genetic links such as glaucoma or squint.
  • If you wear contact lenses make sure you look after them properly.
  • Protect your eyes when it is