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Should I be worried about eye twitching?

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4448 days ago (Editorial)
Most eye twitches are involuntary, harmless spasms of the small muscles surrounding the eye. The most common triggers are squinting, stress, fatigue, and excess intake of caffeine and alcohol. Another increasingly common trigger is eye strain, related to long periods of time in front of the computer, working in low light settings or due to a wrong prescription if you wear contact lenses or glasse
There may be new found hope for patients whose vision is threatened when medicine injected directly into the eyes fails to cause abnormal blood vessels to recede. While injectable drugs called angiogenesis (an-gee-oh-jen-esis) inhibitors are considered a modern miracle and have become the standard of care for patients with the fast-progressive form of macular degeneration, they are not foolproof.
Many Canadians only have their eyes examined when they think they have a problem with their vision, says Dr. Lillian Linton, president of the Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO).“People think if they’re seeing well they don’t need to see an optometrist,” says Linton.Newly released research-based guidelines issued by the CAO and endorsed by CNIB encourage Canadians to be proactive about eye

Don't Put Your Sunglasses Away

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4394 days ago (Editorial)
Your eyes need protection from the sun all year round. Just as in the summer, the two main risks of sun exposure are damage from UV rays and discomfort caused by glare. Glare is nearly always present during daylight hours, whether the sun is shining or not. Bright reflections off shiny surfaces like snow, vehicles or buildings can subject the eyes to much more light than you actually need to see.

Students conduct eye health study

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4387 days ago (Editorial)
Members of the LSU School of Human Ecology, Division of Human Nutrition and Food, have been conducting a three-year study focusing on how nutrition in college-aged students may impact their eye health later in life.Macular degenerationaffects adults age 50 and older,especially those with a high body mass index. Louisiana is the fifth most obese state in the country, and the adult obesity rate is
A new laser system for cataract surgery, with accuracy to a few hundred-thousandths of an inch, allows eye surgeons to optimize and customize the incision and ensure the best possible outcome. The University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System is the first academic medical center in the Midwest to offer the LenSx femtosecond laser to selected cataract patients. The LenSx system provide
Researchers in Israel have achieved a significant global milestone in stem cell technology: they have created the first human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines that are free of animal contamination and whose production complies with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). The achievement paves the way for developing clinical treatments that use hESCs to treat degenerative diseases like age-related mac
Intravitrealbevacizumab does not benefit patients with advanced neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and very poor vision, according to a small study.Bevacizumab is effective against subfovealchoroidal neovascularization (CNV) due to AMD. But it is unclear whether it will benefit patients with more advanced disease, Dr. PierluigiIacono of the Scientific Institute San Raffaele in Mil
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