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Space is bad for astronauts' eyes

Posted by Bharat (#1) 4485 days ago (Editorial)
Space flight may be bad for your eyesight. Changes found in astronauts' eye tissue may cause vision problems, and possibly even blindness. As well as threatening the health of astronauts, this could jeopardize long-haul missions into space. 27 NASA astronauts after they had spent an average of 108 days in space. Four had bulging of the optic nerve, three had kinks in the nerve sheath, and six had
Clean and safe handling of contact lenses is one of the most important measures contact lens wearers can take to protect their sight. Exercising optimal care and hygiene with contact lenses can keep the eyes healthy.

  • Always wash and dry your hands before handling contact lenses.

  • Carefully and regularly clean contact lenses, as directed by your eye doctor. Rub the contact lens
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Ranibizumab is a new approach for the management of diabetic macular edema. Ranibizumab not only preserves vision, it also improves it. In addition, a beneficial effect on retinal anatomy has been found. The studies were designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of intravitreal ranibizumab in patients with diabetic macular edema. To see more details visit,
Around 80% to 90% of school-leavers in major East Asian countries like China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and South Korea suffer from myopia or short-sightedness. This represents an enormous burden of disease that will lead to further problems in the future, as 10 to 20% of those affected suffer from 'high' myopia that can ultimately lead to loss of vision, impaired vision, as well as bli
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Research has shown extensive use of digital devices and computers can lead to eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches and premature vision conditions.The eye has not evolved as fast as technology. Prevention includes limited screen time and vision protection.Consider this, approximately 90%of the nation’s 65 million school-age children use computers daily and a recent Kaiser Family Foundation study
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